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Going Green in IT

Going green is nothing new, but it's becoming a huge topic for the IT industry. Computers are built on a foundation of precious, and sometimes toxic, metals. The average data center consumes hundreds of kilowatts of power each day, if not megawatts. With energy costs increasing consistently, with the looming end of the oil era, and with the global climate change issue in full play, it then only makes sense that IT goes green.

To that end, I availed myself of the local PC Recycler free day. I first learned about this from Mike's blog a couple months ago. As he describes, the process was quick and painless. I dropped off 3 CPUs, 2 CRTs, 1 UPS, a laundry basket full of assorted peripherals and add-ons, and had 7 hard drives crushed in front of me after which they also shred the platters). The drive crushing was not free ($10/disk), but otherwise everything else was a freebie. This deal turns out to be better than what Fairfax County offered during their recent Fall Festival, where CRTs were $5 for disposal.

If you have a basement (or closet) full of old computer equipment that, if you're honest with yourself, will not see the light of day (and doesn't belong in a museum), do the right thing and take it to a recycler. It might just help keep the planet green a little longer. :)


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