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In Moorhead, Antagonizing Young Minds

Well, I'm in Moorhead with the 'rents. Spoke to a group of future accountants at Concordia. Lesson #1: do not try to speak (or type, apparently - having issues here) extemporaneously on too little sleep. Lesson #2: failing #1, make speaker notes!

I had thought ahead of speaking about org structure, the role of audit in the enterprise, and so on, with some integration of controls. Instead I blathered on endlessly about random things that I can't even recall. Finally someone asked a question about org structure ("what's your title and where do you fit in?"). I of course didn't end up answering the question. These things always go so much better in my mind ahead of time. Anywho...

Tomorrow I'm meeting with a couple different groups of students. The first group will be primarily Comp Sci students - juniors or seniors - and some English majors aspiring to be tech writers. Should be good, will get to geek out a bit, talk about how this is an exciting time in info systems evolution. In the afternoon I then meet with another group of students - mostly freshman, I believe - and get to try to upsell Comp Sci to them. Am looking forward to both sessions and am browbeating myself into being better prepared. As Nike says, "Just do it!"


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