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Speaking at ISSA International Conference

Wow, where in the world has July gone? I was just looking at my site and realized that I've not posted anything here all month. Oops! I have a few other posts in the hopper, but for the time being, a quick announcement...

David Navetta and I have been accepted to speak at the 2010 ISSA International Conference. The conference will be held in Atlanta, GA, this year on September 16th. Talk details below...

Session title: Legally Defensible, Proactively Protected

Session Description:
The era of legal defensibility is upon us. The legal risk associated with information security is significant and will only increase over time. Security professionals will have to defend their security decisions in a foreign realm: the legal world. This session discusses implementing security that is both secure and legally defensible, which is key for managing information security legal risk. The session will provide an introduction to legal defensibility from both the security and legal perspective, and then will highlight key steps toward implementing the approach.

What Attendees Will Learn:

Attendees will learn the fundamentals of the legal defensibility approach and how to begin implementing proactive measures to protect the organization.


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