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Howdy! As of this morning, without warning or much in the way of explanation, I've found myself unemployed and in need of work ASAP. My resume is available here:

In a nutshell: I'm a high-level strategic security person, particularly adept at writing. I've tended to focus largely on "layer 8" concerns as of late (that is, the disconnect between people and their security needs), but also have deep experience in architecture, solutions, policies, compliance, and overall program organization and management. I'm published, have a MS in InfoSec Mgmt, CISSP, etc, and am an experienced speaker.

Location: I'm currently based in Phoenix, AZ, but we're open to moving. In particular, we have a strong interest in moving back east, such as to No. Virginia / DC metro. Given the circumstances, a bit more flexible in this area.


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» Gainfully Employed: Foreground Security from The Falcon's View
As noted on Sept. 22nd (see "IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY: Looking for Work"), I lost my job in Phoenix and was in need of work. 2 weeks later (Oct 6th) I accepted a position with Foreground Security as a Senior Security Engineer,... [Read More]

Comments (5)

Joshua Tannehill:


I got your tweet from my security-twits twitter feed. I'm not a recruiter, but I work for Telos corporation and they have openings in VA. Good luck.


Michael Ortega:

Howdy...I got this link from Jason K (who I work with) but may this would help. It not quite far east that you were thinking but who knows....It looks like they got a couple other positions posted to. Good luck

On 9/21/09 7:34 AM, Ashley Parker wrote:
Dear Michael,


My name is Jack Forbes. I am a Sourcer for Sears Holdings Corporation,

Job Title: Technical Specialist - Online Security
Work Location: Hoffman Estates, IL
Duration: Fulltime, No Telecommuting
Minimum years of experience: 5-10 years
Preferred Minimum Education: Bachelors Level Degree

(Note: If you are interested send your updated resume in a word format to [email protected]. Would highly appreciate if you could refer your friends or colleagues for the same. Please ignore this mail if you are not the appropriate recipient)

Job Description

The Online Security Technical Specialist is responsible for ensuring the development of secure internet-based applications by interacting with software developers, QA testers, and business analysts throughout the software development lifecycle


Performing application risk assessments and threat modeling
Administering application vulnerability scans and coordinating remediation activities
Manage and configure database assessment and auditing tools
Provide training to the online engineering organization on application security best practices
Ensure application compliance to corporate, federal and state, and financial services providers requirements

Best Regards,
Jack Forbes
[email protected]


Thank you!

When you consider HR gatekeepers/corporate recruiters spend about ten seconds looking over a resume before making a decision to move on or pass it along, a six page resume for ten years of experience seems excessive. Seems like you're trying to get a job on the strength of your resume, instead of using the resume to get an interview.


@Chris - Perhaps, though you're assuming the resume is ever really read, vs simply parsed out by an automated search engine. I've had the resume reviewed a couple times by "professional" agencies and they came down on opposite sides of the argument. *shrug* I'm gainfully employed, so apparently it didn't hamper me too much.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 22, 2009 2:43 PM.

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The next post in this blog is The Writing Funnel.

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