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Interesting Phone Scam

I'm always leery when the phone rings and someone tries to offer me something I didn't ask for. Today was no exception - and possibly a good example of social engineering masquerading as a "deal" to lower my credit card rates.

When I picked up, the automated system said "This is your final change to lower your rates - please press 1 now to speak to a live agent." Unsure just which "rates" were going to be lowered, I went ahead and pressed 1 to see what it was about.

A few seconds later an agent came on the line. She thanked me for pressing 1 to have my MasterCard and Visa rates lowered (hmmm - interesting - why would they be calling regarding competing credit card brands?). She asked me if I would like my interest rates lowered, and I said that might be ok. She then proceeded to ask me what the balance is on my current card(s). I said "if you're from the credit card company, you already know the current balance - I'm sorry, which credit card company are you calling from?"

She responded that she needed to ask me 4 questions to qualify me for a lower rate. I said "well, I need you to tell me what credit card company you're calling from first before I answer any of your questions." *click* She hung up!

Scam 101: If it seems too good to be true, it problem is. If the caller purports to be representing competing brands, then they're probably a competitor. If they can't/won't tell you who they're working for, then you should not disclose anything to them. And, lastly... If they hang up, you've just busted their scam! :)

BTW, for those interested, the caller ID listed the number as 321-729-9349, which appears to be a Melbourne, FL, phone number. Just in case you'd like to proactively block that number on your phone or PBX. :)


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