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Schneier: Be a Skeptic

Bruce Schneier has posted a recent Wired essay he wrote titled "Portrait of the Modern Terrorist as an Idiot" in which he urges us all to be skeptical of what we hear from the media and government, particularly with regards to so-called "terrorist" plots. He looks at the fear-mongering tactics used to push political agendas when these so-called "terrorists" are nothing more than a bunch of drooling idiots who are haphazardly trying to create a stupid idea.

This concept of skepticism is actually a very valuable thing to develop. CIO magazine recently had an article on "How the Elite Innovate" that talked, also, about being skeptical. Instead of being silent followers of all changes, we should instead think critically, asking hard questions, behaving in a manner that challenges change to make sure that it is, in fact, the right thing to do.

I've often gotten myself into trouble over the years for being skeptical (some would argue cynical at times). However, much as the CIO magazine article urges, I feel that if we're going to endure change, then we might as well make it the right change. Whether that be on improved password policies, infrastructure updates, re-organization of personnel structure, or a complete overhaul of the fundamental business model.

The main point here is this: don't be a lemming. Think for yourself. Ask hard questions (in the right way). Don't accept FUD at face value. Don't assume that just because someone in a leadership/power role, that it means they actually know what they're doing. Apply critical thinking skills. And, better yet, demand that schools teach these skills! This heavy focus on standardized testing has led to a rote learning style that is actually reducing our capabilities to that of 3rd world countries when we used to be the top of the food chain. All because people aren't thinking. Bad bad bad.

Ok, enough ranting -- especially for being before breakfast! :)


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