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Nmap News, Beware GoDaddy

Fyodor has posted the latest Nmap News to the Nmap Hackers list. Check it out!

Quoting here one choice section, specifically to help raise awareness. If you are currently using GoDaddy, get off of it asap. Some whack job started flinging falsified accusations and DMCA requests around, which apparently resulted in the domain pull-downs, even though they weren't justified (see later in the newsletter, linked above).

==GoDaddy Redux==

You guys must recall my last email about GoDaddy shutting down SecLists.Org at the behest of MySpace. After hours on the phone trying (and failing) to get them to provide a reason for the shutdown or to restore the site, I threatened to tell all my friends how they had treated me. They just laughed me off, but perhaps they didn't realize that I have more than 50,000 friends on nmap-hackers :). They weren't laughing the next day when the story was on News.Com, Wired, Slashdot, Digg, SecurityFocus, Info World, and hundreds of other articles and blogs. Thanks for spreading the word!

In the News.Com article, Godaddy was asked to explain themselves.
This is where they could have apologized and promised to be more careful in the future. Instead, GoDaddy general counsel Christine Jones “pointed out that GoDaddy's terms of service say the company 'reserves the right to terminate your access to the services at any time, without notice, for any reason whatsoever.'” In that same article, Jones refuses to rule out suspending a site such as News.Com if a reader posts illegal information in a discussion forum.

After I started hearing of many similar GoDaddy horror stories, I decided to put up a site warning others not to use GoDaddy. The domain of my dreams for this was taken, but on a whim I wrote the owner with a cash offer. As luck would have it, the owner had been mistreated by GD in the past, so he refused payment and transferred to domain to me for free! The site is live at:


And volunteer Rohan Sheth has set up forums (more than 120 posts
already) at:


I am also happy to report that my most important domains (insecure.org, seclists.org, etc.) have been transferred to better registrars.


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