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March 4th, And I Did

Nothing much to tell, just had a very productive day, for once in a long while. Was up at 6am for tennis with the wife at 7am. Didn't hit very well, can't move freely with the hamstring and hip bugging me (Monday makes it a week since I pulled it). Doc says it'll be fine, just give it time. Anyway...

Things I did today:
* Played tennis for 1 hour.
* Wrote a 4500+ word draft journal article for my thesis.
* Installed a few new plugins for MT.
* Fixed awstats on the web server (file perm. problem, drrrrr).
* Updated my resume online to denote the MS.
* Made sure the wife was fed.
* Found the properly fitting earplug covers for my new Shure e3c earphones.
* Charted research plans for this year.
* Revised PPT for IP3 module 5.
* Identified three paper topics to be completed this year.
* Setup logrotate (finally) for all our web logs.
* Began investigating necessary steps for upgrading TMDA.
* Began looking into setting up my own OpenID server.
* Took out the trash.
* Watched the Oscar winning movie "The Departed." Didn't get it.
* Updated whiteboard with todo list.

Things I did not do today:
* Dishes (did yesterday).
* Laundry (did earlier in the week).
* Sit-ups, push-ups, or other non-tennis fitness activities.
* Clean the kitchen (which is filthy).
* Upgrade MT (couldn't get the file downloaded).
* Take a nap.
* Get to Costco to buy more bottled water.

All told, not too bad a day. Yesterday was reasonably productive, too, though with more mundane tasks like getting a haircut.

Tomorrow: not climbing, but have a couple things in the work that should be interesting instead. :)


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 4, 2007 11:07 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Attack on Web 2.0 Exemplar: WordPress 2.1.1.

The next post in this blog is Assurance and the Iceberg Principle.

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