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Line Noise and Sore Joints

Nothing too exciting to tell, so today let's have another grab bag of random thoughts, shall we? Let's see what topics I can think of... ok, here we go! Topics covered today:
- annual review
- sore joints
- random bruising
- going home to Moorhead
- anxiety and panic attacks
- redefining my role
- where is my MS confirmation?
- ah, it's coming soon!
- possible upcoming research efforts
- migraine treatment

* Had my annual review today, it was remarkably positive. 2006 simply felt like a bloody awful year - truly! However, in looking back, we got a lot of work done, and made some small improvements. The major hindrances were related to interruptions, delays, and re-organizations (yes, there was more than one). In general, I received "Exceeded Expectations" and even received one "Distinguished" in something or other. So, I guess I should be happy. I mean, I'm still employed, received a reasonable pay increase (above inflation), and a nice bonus. Nothing to complain about there.

* My joints are sore. Knees, ankles, hips. They all hurt. Oh, and my shins, now on both legs. I tried running tonight (Wednesday is one of my normal running nights), but I had a tough time. Since being mega-sick, I have not been able to get 3 miles completed. The night before I became sick, I ran a personal best 26 minutes for 3 miles. Kind of a sad comparison.

* Random bruising? After running, I showered (at home), and while toweling off I noticed a fairly large bruise on my left pectoral. I have no idea where that came from. Kind of weird. Ranks right up there with the bruise on the left shin that showed up after doing a legs workout Saturday. How bizarre, how bizarre.

* Going home to Moorhead in March. Don't think I mentioned this before. Planning to speak to a couple classes at Concordia, as well as hopefully getting to chat with some folks, too. As of right now, I'm meeting with an intro CS class, probably to discuss why someone should pursue a Comp Sci degree. Then after that I'm meeting with a class of mostly Juniors and Seniors, where we'll see what they want to discuss. Maybe they'll want to go tech-geeky, or maybe they'll want to ask about how one finds cool work, or who knows. Also may be speaking to an MIS class on one of the mornings I'm there. Should be fun.

* Anxiety and panic attacks. No, not me. Read a friend's blog for the first time and learned that she suffers from panic attacks, including a recent one that caused her to pull over to the side of the road. Kind of sad stuff. My wife also suffers from social anxiety. I think most of the women in her side of the family have similar issues. While I'm sure men suffer anxiety-related issues, makes me wonder if there is something specific about female chemistry that results in this condition.

* Redefining my role. Had a less-than-positive exchange with my manager yesterday over my proposal. Apparently I focused too much on the 'how' and not enough on the 'what'. He also said he only skimmed the proposal, which a colleague tells me I should find insulting. I found it more frustrating than anything because he clearly hadn't read and understood at a deep enough level what it was I was talking about. However, all that being said, I did get a couple tidbits of feedback to be used in refining it, and today had a couple brief exchanges during my annual review that seemed to suggest that he does now "get it." So, we'll see what happens. I have a brief meeting with him tomorrow to pin down projects to run in the trial period, which I'll then refine into project plans. I don't want to go so far as to say that he's a micro-manager, but I really don't accept that he actually trusts me to do the work, even though I can't think of any example of where I've done anything but surpassed expectations. So, whatever. We'll see what happens.

* Where, oh where, is my Masters degree confirmation letter? I was told in January that I would receive my "cleared to graduate" letter the end of January. It's now nearly the end of February and I've still not heard anything. I've sent email and left voice mail for the person in charge at GWU, but no response has been provided. Given how poorly managed that department has been and how I've been screwed in the past, I fully expect that my paperwork was lost or temporarily misplaced. If I don't receive my diploma in March, I am going to be exceedingly upset. I'm already nearing the point of calling deans to ask why it is that certain departments can't meet their commitments. The lesson here: DO NOT ATTEND GWU. The program was fine while it lasted, but is now mostly shot. The department was an example in mismanagement. Being raised in academia, I understand bureaucracy, but GWU clearly set a new mark for sheer administrative incompetence.

* The MS is coming soon! Just received email back from my adviser indicating that the letter was just waiting for one more signature and it would be sent. *whew* What a huge relief! Now on to bigger, better things. Like my much-overdue journal submission (publish or perish!).

* Possible research efforts upcoming. I plan to spend Friday outlining a research plan for "the psychology of security." Dr. Schneier has already begin this work, which is quickly becoming a hot topic. I want to take this early research a step further and find ways to apply it within AOL. This is going to mean doing a ton of reading, but it should be a nice diversion from the regular duties. I'm also hoping to do some research with a colleague into botnets and fast flux networks. And, there's always my other favorite long-term research topic: finding a new paradigm for authentication. Always something!

* Vitamins for migraines. Hanna's been suffering from migraines for about 18 months now. It used to be rare that she'd get a headache, but suddenly she started getting bad ones. This Fall, after having another rough group of kiddies, plus an unpleasant grad course, her migraine became persistent. I finally got her an appointment with a neurologist, who has taken things on with gusto and goodness. His first diagnosis was that she had a "transformed migraine" - which accounted for the constant ache. He prescribed Prednisone to treat it, which seemed to work for the most part. He then gave her a sample med to treat fresh ones. This seems to have broken the cycle. So, next up, vitamins! He prescribed that she take Magnesium, B2 (Riboflavin), and Co-Enzyme Q (CoQ). Our buddy the manager at Vitamin Shoppe expressed how impressed he was with this prescription when he helped us find what we needed. And, good news! Since starting these vitamins last weekend, Hanna has not had a single headache - not even the end-of-day stress headaches (which, of course, were becoming migraines). She also seems to have more energy (which is likely linked to the CoQ). All-around w00tness!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 21, 2007 8:27 PM.

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