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Ok, So, I Accidentally Broke the Treadmill

I had a reasonably good workout with P this morning, with a continued focus on legs. It's becoming clear that I need to add at least one other lifting day per week with a mix of upper and lower body exercises. One thing I learned is that I'm probably not consuming enough protein. Per P, 0.8g per pound is necessary to maintain, with most people rounding up to 1g/lb. No wonder I have trouble adding mass! This will be particularly important for upper body, for which I would really like to grow arms with some noticeable size. Anyway...

Getting ready to start flag football with the guys in a couple weeks (we think). The team coach (and my friend and other trainer), M, has been guilt-tripping me heavily for the past week to start doing speed and agility drills. Since it was too cold to do them outside today, I went back after lifting and eating lunch to run on the treadmill. The treadmills max out at 12mph, which is a bit slow for a true wind-sprint workout, but was good enough. Definitely sped up the 3 miles I normally run! :) Well, it did until I broke the machine...

So, Ben, how did you break the treadmill? :) Well, it seems that when I was running sprints at the max speed, as I stepped (or jumped) off the belt to adjust the speed down between sprints, the emergency stopper (which is magnetic) fell off, stopping the treadmill immediately. As best as I can figure, going from max speed to zero like that probably minimally jammed the emergency break, if not causing other problems. The computer itself was willing to restart, but it was unable to get the belt to move again. Oops!

All this to get ready for having "fun" playing flag football. :) Guess I better not do too much more prep like this - who knows what else I'll break! :)


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