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Beards Grow, No Trying Involved

I've always been a fan of George Carlin (comedian) because of his witty analysis of the English language. This amusement has often caused me to evaluate words and phrases and the intended versus literal meaning. Today's example is the common question to men too lazy to shave (like I've been for a few days): "Are you trying to grow a beard?"

The answer is 'no' I'm not "trying" to grow a beard. There's absolutely no conscious effort involved in making the beard grow. In fact, it seems to grow quite well despite any attempts I might make to stunt it.

The correct question is "Have you decided to let a beard grow out?" Such a question would more accurately speak to the actions I am or am not taking; namely, shaving. If whiskers grow on their own, and a beard is the result of not shaving those whiskers over a certain period of time (days for me, weeks for others), then this question best addresses my intended (in)actions.

And, in case you're wondering, I have no "plans" for a beard. I'm just feeling lazy and thought I'd give my face a break from the daily scrape. :)


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