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The Holiday Blur...

With humblest apologies, I don't envision having any substantive posts to share through the end of the year. Perhaps I'll be inspired sometime in the next week, but I don't view that as an assured thing. Mostly I'm just cold these days. :) Since I hate to leave you, my loyal reader, with nothing to read or think about, I'll provide a couple thoughts for discussion:

1) Time "Person of the Year" 2010 - Mark Zuckerberg - Discuss and describe how "Facebook has merged with the social fabric of American life, and not just American but human life..."

2) What would your reaction be if it was definitively proven that the U.S. Government was behind Stuxnet? What would your reaction be if it was, instead, China?

3) ExploitHub is selling exploits for profit. Discuss pros/cons of the business model. For extra credit: represent the perspectives of foreign organizations (governmental and *ahem* non-governmental).

4) WikiLeaks - Should we care? Does it change anything? (references: STRAFOR: Taking Stock of WikiLeaks and Arbor Networks: "The Internet Goes to War")

5) What lessons should we really learn from Gawker? (references: "Lessons Learned From the Gawker Hack" and "The Gawker hack: how a million passwords were lost")


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What a slacker! Hands too cold to type? Computer freeze up?

Seriously, though have a great holiday and spend some time with the family. Although I hate to admit it, we'll survive without you. For a while.

Happy Holidays,


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 15, 2010 12:50 PM.

The previous post in this blog was You Can't Solve What's Undefined .

The next post in this blog is STRATFOR on Terror and Terrorism.

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