A Few Quick Thoughts...

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I haven't had a lot of time the last few days to devise and compose a particularly useful post on infosec, but I had a few passing thoughts that you might find amusing. Click through to see them...

Daylight Savings Time is Stupid
I really, truly hate the "spring ahead" side of DST. As someone who is required to get out of bed in the morning (before 10am) to get to work, it is extremely difficult to lose that hour of sleep and, more importantly, the sunlight that had been helping me get up. It's ironic, of course, that these changes in the start of DST were designed to save energy and are having the opposite effect. Leave it to politicians to screw that up. Regardless, time changes like this are bad for the body and have long outlived their usefulness.

Talk About an Arrogant Politician
No, I'm not talking about Bush-Cheney-Rove for a change. How completely arrogant and deluded do you have to be as the #2 candidate to offer to take on the #1 candidate as your VP? This is exactly what the Hill is doing, and it's just plain bogus. Moreover, if she gets the nomination, regardless of who her VP is, she will lose the race to McCain. It's really that simple. Obama is doing well in rebuking these so-called "offers" and would be even better off to ignore her when he gets the nomination. He should pick someone far more useful, like John Edwards, when the time comes.

Tin Man Growing on Me
I caught the first two parts (of three) of the SciFi Channel's "Tin Man" on Sunday (each part was 2 hours). It seemed really lame at first, which isn't all that unusual for SciFi films, to be quite honest. However, it has Zooey Deschanel in it (along with Alan Cumming, Neal McDonough, Kathleen Robertson, and Richard Dreyfuss), though, so I had high hopes. It seemed to take an hour or so of actual on-screen time for the cast to gel. By the beginning of the 2nd part, I was hooked into the storyline, and so now have last part to view in order to complete the trifecta.

So, what is it, you might ask? Well, it's a retelling - SciFi-style - of The Wizard of Oz. In this version, Oz is the O-Z, or Outer Zone. The setting is fairly typical dark filter (not quite blue filter, but along the same lines), with Zooey D. playing the hero. It's a very strange retelling, in terms of the stories behind key players, but otherwise, it's surprisingly decent and borderline addictive. :)

Bad TV Habits Returning
Boy did I feel lazy this weekend. Lazy is bad, because it means plopping down in front of the TV instead of reading or doing something productive. Getting hooked by "Tin Man" did not help. DST killed my energy levels on Sunday, throwing me completely off. The goal for this week is to get through the last part of "Tin Man" and then get the TV turned back off. It's so much easier just being a lazy slug, though... :S

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My two favorite seasons, in order of preference, are Fall and Spring. There's nothing like the cool, crisp air and the colors of the foliage to put the mind at ease come September/October/November (depending on where you live). Spring, on... Read More

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This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on March 10, 2008 9:03 AM.

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